Today was a day full of irony and stark contrasts. In the morning only i read aboout London's victory in bidding for 2012 olympics and hardly 12 hrs later i read about these horrible London blasts. Actually, we human beings have become so much habitual of the casualities that we don't take any tragedy seriously unless the number of casualities runs into thousands.

Photos courtesy BBC and The New York Times
The casualities were barely 33, till the time I am writing this blog, but this event has sent several important signals and lessons to be learnt. Firstly, we must notice that whole of the London is united in this hour of crisis. Even the politicians, whether from conservatives or democrats, all were pledging the to keep London united, and their first priority was to help the people reach to safety.Now compare this with the Indian scenario. Some 2-3 days back, Ayodhya was attacked. This became so big a matter, that on the BBC site, only news under the section ,'South Asia' , was "More Ayodhya protests". This was too much. I mean in our case, when hardly any casualty concerning any civilian was reported, and all the 6 terrorists have been gunned down, why this bruhaha now over such a petty matter. In India, whenever such thing happpens, first thing we hear form political leaders other than those beonging to treasury is that X should resign and Y should resign. I guess it's high time that we the Indians should learn to behave in a matured manner and show the world that we are also united when it comes to the threat to the security of the nation is concerned rather than politicising the issues to make them the front page headlines of BBC.
Probably that's why BBC doesn't write much good things in the profile of India. It begins describing India by the word ," a nuclear weapon state". But in that case BBC is also discriminating. And strangest thing is that it gives a link for the national anthem of Pakistan on it's profile page(that's a different matter that it didn't work , atleast I could'n't open it), but not a link of Jana-gana-mana on the profile page of India.
But situation of london is really strange at the moment. In one hand , he's carrying the victory of securing London as the venue for 2012 olympics, on the other hand, it has these blasts.
I really feel sorry for Mr. Blair, who's concerned with , apart from these 2 issues, the G-8 summit also. There also, supporters of African nations are giving tough times to the leaders of highly developed nations, including Mr. Blair.
God bless London